Using the laws of quantum mechanics to store, transmit, manipulate, compute, and measure information is at the core of quantum information science (QIS). Quantum mechanics governs how nature works on the smallest and most basic scales. The unique principles of the microscopic world can be combined with concepts from computer science to overcome limitations of current technology and deliver new breakthroughs. Quantum effects include “superposition,” when a quantum system exists in multiple states until it is observed and “entanglement,” when multiple particles contribute to a quantum state and lose their individuality – a state that is unaffected by distance between the particles.

The DOE Office of Science (SC) efforts in QIS, informed by community input, target DOE-mission-focused applications by leveraging SC’s unique strengths. Major contributions to QIS focus on the following areas: (1) Supporting fundamental science that underpins quantum computing, simulation, networking, and sensing; (2) Creating tools, equipment, and instrumentation that unlock transformative new QIS capabilities; and (3) Establishing DOE community resources that enable the entire QIS ecosystem to thrive.

SC targets applications in four major areas:

  • Quantum computing is a new paradigm for manipulating information. Rather than relying on bits with the value of 1 or 0 as in “classical” computers, quantum computation uses qubits, which can exist in in a superposition of both values simultaneously. Quantum computers, while not a substitute for classical computers, have the promise to be extraordinarily powerful at solving some problems in science, including certain simulations, optimization, and machine learning tasks.
  • Quantum simulation refers to methods of engineering and manipulating a quantum experiment in a laboratory that directly emulates a quantum system outside the lab. By doing so, scientists can obtain insight into complex scientific problems that isn’t accessible in any other way.
  • Quantum networking focuses on methods to create and transport useful quantum states over large distances. Distributed entanglement could enable networks of quantum sensors and larger-scale quantum computing.
  • Quantum sensing and microscopy leverages the unique sensitivity of quantum systems to make new types of measurements. Sensors based on quantum effects are exquisitely sensitive and have the potential to aid in understanding everything from biological systems to the nature of dark matter.

Recognizing the great potential of QIS, and aware of the growing international competition in this promising new area of science and technology, Congress passed the National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act, which became law in December 2018 and launched the National Quantum Initiative. This Initiative represents a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

The DOE Office of Science is an integral partner in the National Quantum Initiative and has launched a range of research programs in QIS. Research projects range from single investigators within specific disciplines to large integrated centers that span the Office of Science. To learn more about these endeavors, visit the National QIS Research Centers and Program Office QIS pages.

Professor David Awschalom, Director of Q-NEXT at Argonne National Laboratory, explains the work of the Department of Energy Office of Science in the world of quantum information science research.

Want to learn more? Check out DOE’s podcast “Who Cares About Quantum?