Ringing Atomic Bell Probes Electrons
Measured strong coupling of vibrations and electrons could lead to controlled magnetism and electronic properties.
Measured strong coupling of vibrations and electrons could lead to controlled magnetism and electronic properties.
Focused x-ray beam revealed structural changes from laser heating, pinning down elusive melting point.
Theory predicts that bending a film will control spin direction and create a spin current for next-generation electronics.
Lasers reveal a new state of matter—the first three-dimensional quantum liquid crystal.
Unexpectedly, a little chemical substitution stabilizes unusual magnetic phase of vortexes called skyrmions.
New, unexpected paradigm discovered: Disorder may actually promote an exotic quantum state, with potential for ultrafast computing.
Soil microbes work as both decomposers and synthesizers of carbon compounds in soil, offering new answers with impacts to crops and eco-health.
Scientists show that grasslands are more sensitive to changes in the amount of moisture in the air than to changes in precipitation.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) observations provide clues on atmospheric contributions to an Antarctic melt event.
Scientists unlock the key to efficiently make a new class of engineering polymers.
An entirely human-made architecture produces hydrogen fuel using light, shows promise for transmitting energy in numerous applications.
Novel defect control in graphene enables direct imaging of trapped electrons that follow Einstein’s rules.