New Insights on the Prevalence of Drizzle in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
New Detection Methods Find More Drizzle in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
New Detection Methods Find More Drizzle in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
Researchers identify previously uncharacterized aerosols over an agricultural region in Oklahoma.
Machine Learning offers New Insights and New Parameterization for the path from Drizzle Drops to Warm Rain
Six years of radar data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility site in Utqiaġvik, Alaska provide important details on how secondary ice particles form in Arctic clouds.
The tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) rainfall pattern brings change to non-tropical parts of the United States.
Two important factors help determine how much sunlight soot absorbs.
To help researchers examine important cloud processes, a DOE user facility activity combines high-resolution simulations with real-world observations
Predictions of the direct impacts of greenhouse gases must account for local temperature and humidity conditions.
Surface measurements of rain drop sizes shed light on cloud processes and cloud types.
Six cameras are revolutionizing observations of shallow cumulus clouds.
Ultrafine aerosol particles produce bigger storm clouds and more precipitation than larger aerosols in pristine conditions.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) observations provide clues on atmospheric contributions to an Antarctic melt event.