Tracking Hidden Imperfections Inside Operating Lithium-ion Batteries
Penetrating x-rays can image defects and phase changes during battery charging and discharging.
Penetrating x-rays can image defects and phase changes during battery charging and discharging.
Computer-simulated atomic motion answers real-world questions like “How do things break?”
A family of single-phase materials was discovered with coexisting magnetic and electrical properties having potential for electronic applications.
Researchers use surface-sensitive signals to atomically resolve the structure of a rough surface.
New approach for connecting light-harvesting proteins enhances the current produced by a factor of four.
Oppositely charged polymer chains can be “right-handed,” “left-handed,” or have no “handedness” at all, which controls whether a solid or liquid forms.
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass, garners the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Researchers harvest long-lived isotopes that are difficult or impossible to acquire otherwise.
Novel experiments measure unusual thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen with a rare oxygen isotope.
New electron spectroscopy technique may lead to an improved neutrino mass determination.
First mixed matter/anti-matter probe aims to solve decade-old proton puzzle.
RHIC physicists discover key evidence for a long-debated phenomenon in particle collisions.