Graphene Rewrites the Rules of Engagement
Novel self-assembly can tune the electronic properties of graphene, possibly opening doors for tiny, powerful electronic devices.
Novel self-assembly can tune the electronic properties of graphene, possibly opening doors for tiny, powerful electronic devices.
Materials based on clusters of atoms called “super-ions” may revolutionize the whole solar cell industry.
Scientists apprehended the atomic-scale, microscopic mechanism that limits light emission in LED lighting.
Recycling waste from biofuel production could lower cost for future biorefineries.
New findings will help extend the lifetime of catalysts used to process bio-oils in liquid systems.
Theoretical modeling of energy loss in solar cells may lead to more efficient materials to convert sunlight to electricity.
Atomic-scale simulations predict how to use nanoparticles to increase hydrogen production.
Chameleon-like color changes are observed by confining liquid crystals within small drops.
A new tool allows atomic 3D printing.
Newly discovered “design rule” brings nature-inspired nanostructures one step closer.
Cutting-edge simulations provide an explanation for a mystery over half a century old.
Hollow shape-selected platinum nanocages represent a new class of highly active catalysts.