Cell Signaling Responses to Low-Dose Radiation
Study shows protein moves to nucleus, helps irradiated cells survive.
Study shows protein moves to nucleus, helps irradiated cells survive.
Key steps revealed in assembling the active site of a hydrogen-generating catalyst in bacteria.
Direct visualization of magnetic structures gives researchers a window into new possibilities at the Nanoscale.
Single palladium atoms convert the surface of an inexpensive metal into an ultra-selective hydrogenation catalyst.
Layers of quantum dots Form “rainbow architecture” that enhances light absorption in a solar cell.
Designing a novel catalyst for the production of hydrogen.
The recently upgraded CEBAF accelerator delivers its highest-energy electron beams into a new experimental complex for the first time.
Understanding fundamental chemistry is important for accurate engine modeling.
Discovery of coexisting ordered and disordered catalytic nanoparticles.
Groups of Palladium atoms found to have major effects on electrocatalyst performance.
Computational modelling shows how the shape and motion in a polymer gel can be controlled solely by light.
Electric fields control growth of “sticky” polymer particles.