Triggering “Flash” Assembly of Proteins
Designing protein assemblies whose interactions can be manipulated to respond to a single environmental cue.
Designing protein assemblies whose interactions can be manipulated to respond to a single environmental cue.
Advances in how we calculate optical properties of semiconductors shorten the path to improved solar cells and other optoelectronic devices.
High magnetic fields reveal the existence of nitrogen superclusters.
A phase change at absolute zero temperature may provide key insights into the decades-old mystery of high-temperature superconductivity.
New radiolabeled compound used to image sucrose transport.
Previously unknown role of titanium in subsurface chemistry revealed.
International teams assess computational tools to speed up annotations.
Bacterial biomass found to have an impact.
Another boson has been found at the LHC that could help refine our understanding of the strong force.
Ordered arrays of functional proteins with designed molecular properties created through self-assembly by combining proteins and synthetic polymers.
Nanoscale imaging of the current generated by light provides insights for future generation optoelectronic devices.
Exploiting the self-organizing nature of atoms to block heat transfer and improve thermal-to-electrical energy conversion.