Sense Like a Shark: Saltwater-Submersible Films
A nickelate thin film senses electric field changes analogous to the electroreception sensing organ in sharks, which detects the bioelectric fields of prey.
A nickelate thin film senses electric field changes analogous to the electroreception sensing organ in sharks, which detects the bioelectric fields of prey.
Let’s talk! Scientists demonstrate coherent coupling between a quantum dot and a donor atom in silicon, vital for moving information inside quantum computers.
Creating nanotextured glass surfaces completely eliminates reflections of all colors of light, making the glass nearly invisible.
Study reveals surprising, bad chemical reactivity in battery components previously considered compatible.
Scientists use ion beams to write high-purity metal structures, enabling nanofabrication opportunities.
Neutron probes and theory reveal how electrons cooperate at lower temperatures.
New spectroscopic technique measures heat in itty-bitty volumes that could reveal insights for electronics and energy technology.
Converting laser light into nuclear vibrations is key to switching a material’s properties on and off for future electronics.
Scientists demonstrated that powerful acids heal certain structural defects in synthetic films.
Novel engineered polymers assemble buckyballs into columns using a conventional coating process.
Lasting just a few hundred billionths of a billionth of a second, these bursts offer new tool to study chemistry and magnetism.
Tracking atoms is crucial to improving the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.