Locating the Production Site of Glucan in Grass Cell Walls
Research offers new insights for maximizing sugar production in biofuel crops.
Research offers new insights for maximizing sugar production in biofuel crops.
Model predicts smaller decrease in total corn yields than previous estimates.
Systems biology leads the way to exascale computing on Summit supercomputer.
New class of solvents breaks down plant biomass into sugars for biofuels and bioproducts in a closed-loop biorefinery concept.
Optimizing lithium-sulfur battery electrolytes for long life.
Catalog of candidate genes involved in plant-microbe relationships.
Researchers develop a method of identifying gene expression patterns in drought-resistant plants.
New algorithm lets biologists harness massively parallel supercomputers to make sense of a “data deluge.”
Using genetic engineering, scientists improve biomass growth and conversion in woody and grassy feedstocks.
Novel observations suggest a great potential of measuring global gross primary production via solar-induced fluorescence.
Multiple plausible hypotheses in how maximum photosynthetic rates scale across the Earth lead to substantial variability in predicting carbon uptake.
Flexible, tunable technique warms plants without need for electricity, aiding ecosystem research in remote locales.