Engineering Yeast Tolerance to a Promising Biomass Deconstruction Solvent
Chemical genomic-guided engineering of gamma-valerolactone-tolerant yeast.
Chemical genomic-guided engineering of gamma-valerolactone-tolerant yeast.
Certain species of trees retain stored water, limit root growth to survive three months without water.
Supercomputer simulations predict how E. coli adapts to environmental stresses.
Toolkit lets scientists detect extreme weather in climate simulations far faster than before.
High-performance computing reveals the relationship between DNA and phosphorous uptake.
Genetically engineered switchgrass does not change soil chemistry, microbiology, or carbon storage potential.
Global models may be underestimating net wetland methane emissions.
Understanding assembly principles may inspire new approaches for making valuable products.
This research offers new information to understand the role of microorganisms in elemental cycling in the Arctic.
Multiple techniques to characterize an enzyme complex shed light on how bacteria create particles and contribute to global cycles.
Study shows how aerosols interacting with clouds can be accurately captured by sparse set of representative particles.
Including phosphorus (P) in predictions of photosynthesis may improve models of tropical forests where the supply of the nutrient is limited.