Neutrons Play the Lead to Protons in Dance around “Double-Magic” Nucleus
Electric and magnetic properties of a radioactive atom provide unique insight into the nature of proton and neutron motion.
Electric and magnetic properties of a radioactive atom provide unique insight into the nature of proton and neutron motion.
A new model identifies a high degree of fluctuations in the glue-like particles that bind quarks within protons as essential to explaining proton structure.
Supercomputing calculations confirm that rare nickel-78 has unusual structure, offering insights into supernovas.
Techniques to investigate chemical properties of super heavy elements lead to improved methods for separating heavy metals.
KATRIN project achieves transmission of electrons through completed apparatus, opening new doors to understanding the universe.
Researchers demonstrate a new technique for producing polarized positrons that could improve manufacturing and lead to new discoveries.
A new method detects residual contaminants in ultra-pure helium gas, critical to nuclear physics experiments.
The first well-characterized materials containing berkelium differ from expectations
Studies of the neutrinos emitted in the radioactive decay of nuclei held in an ion trap allow sensitive searches for new interactions.
Team’s approach enables a highly sensitive search for a neutron electric dipole moment, which provides insights into the nature of the universe.
Using fast particles to probe hot matter in nuclear collisions.
New data that "wimpy" gluons, the glue-like particles that bind quarks within protons, have a big impact on proton spin.