Squeezing the Noise Out of Microscopes with Quantum Light
Scientists use quantum entangled light for a new form of microscopy able to detect signals normally hidden by quantum noise.
Scientists use quantum entangled light for a new form of microscopy able to detect signals normally hidden by quantum noise.
A recent measurement of the neutron-rich “skin” around lead nuclei reveals new details of neutron behavior and the dynamics of neutron stars
Short carbon nanotubes in liposome membranes help fuse the liposomes and cancer cells to directly deliver a cancer-killing drug.
Nuclear theorists demonstrate a new method for computing the strengths of subatomic interactions that include up to three particles.
Bacteria collection opens new directions for research on cottonwoods, poplars, and other trees useful for biofuel and other applications.
Researchers improve their scientific understanding of heterogeneous catalysis by imaging the gas just above the surface of the catalyst.
Ecological assembly and source tracking models characterize the initial assembly of the poplar microbiome across plant-associated habitats.
Identification of an enzyme that microbes deploy in the presence of plants leads to discovery of candidate genes involved in root colonization.
A novel mathematical formulation accurately solves water flow in geometrically complicated soil structures, including overturned soil layers and other disturbances.
Nuclear scientists devise an indirect method of measuring the speed of sound in matter created in heavy-ion collisions.
NextGen power sources may satisfy the need for long-term, compact power for use in remote or extreme environments.
An enzyme system frees sulfur from small organic compounds to make a surprising gaseous side product.