Taking on the Heat in Solar Cells: New Calculations Show Atomic Vibrations Hurt Efficiency
Theoretical modeling of energy loss in solar cells may lead to more efficient materials to convert sunlight to electricity.
Theoretical modeling of energy loss in solar cells may lead to more efficient materials to convert sunlight to electricity.
Predictable assembly of protein building blocks result in a new class of porous materials, with potential uses ranging from efficient fuel storage to practical carbon capture and conversion.
A simplified architecture leads to efficiencies rivaling conventional silicon solar cells.
Patterned arrays of nanometer-sized connections in two-dimensional semiconductors could enable ultrathin integrated circuits for smartphones and solar cells.
New X-ray technique reveals the presence of one-in-a-million large crystalline regions from metals fatiguing—stabilization schemes could lead to impervious metals.
A new tool allows atomic 3D printing.
Three-dimensional structure of nanocrystals in solution determined with atomic resolution using a new technique.
A low-cost, stable oxide film is highly conductive and transparent, rivaling its predecessors.
New method to fabricate graphene nanoribbon arrays on semiconductor wafers turns semimetal into semiconductor.
Newly discovered “design rule” brings nature-inspired nanostructures one step closer.
This discovery could lead to low-cost, non-toxic, biological components for light-weight electronics.
New element 117 and its decay products establish the existence of long-sought Island of Stability.