A Detailed View of the Ancestor of Photosynthesis
The symmetrical light-gathering, energy-producing complex offers insights into how modern photosystems evolved.
The symmetrical light-gathering, energy-producing complex offers insights into how modern photosystems evolved.
Even a single species of bacteria can positively affect soils and plants, improving and even enabling agriculture in semi-arid areas.
First-of-a-kind study advances understanding of microbial and viral communities involved in biomass breakdown.
Scientists reveal the importance of an amino acid that supplies energy and protection for microbial communities deep underground.
An atomic view of how toxic uranium binds to iron minerals in the environment enables better predictions of its behavior.
Three types of water molecules form around a platinum-based ion, offering insights for waste processing and metal refining.
Adding glucose to a green microalga culture induces accumulation of fatty acids and other valuable bioproducts.
Read more about Feeding Sugars to Algae Makes Them FatA pioneering study offers an easier approach to study how microbes work and could help scientists advance models of the cycling of elements and nutrients in frequently flooded soils.
Scientists develop a molecular map of metabolic products of bacteria in root nodules to aid sustainable agriculture.
Researchers link root water uptake to root traits and assess (poor) performance of common models.
Predictions of the direct impacts of greenhouse gases must account for local temperature and humidity conditions.
Surface measurements of rain drop sizes shed light on cloud processes and cloud types.