New X-Ray Matter Interaction Observed at Ultra-High Intensity
Previously unobserved scattering shows unexpected sensitivity to bound electrons, providing new insights into x-ray interactions with matter and opening the door to new probes of matter.
Previously unobserved scattering shows unexpected sensitivity to bound electrons, providing new insights into x-ray interactions with matter and opening the door to new probes of matter.
Predictable assembly of protein building blocks result in a new class of porous materials, with potential uses ranging from efficient fuel storage to practical carbon capture and conversion.
New X-ray technique reveals the presence of one-in-a-million large crystalline regions from metals fatiguing—stabilization schemes could lead to impervious metals.
Scientists reveal that coupling between electrons and atomic vibrations play a key role in this vexing phenomenon.
Thin coating of nanocrystals embedded in glass can electrically control light and heat from sunlight as it passes through a window.
Study reveals structural changes leading to catalytic activity.
Designing protein assemblies whose interactions can be manipulated to respond to a single environmental cue.
Bacterial biomass found to have an impact.
Atomic-Scale, femtosecond time-scale measurements unravel the atomistic pathways and speed limits for copper migration through a nanocrystal.
Predicted by theory, and confirmed by experiments, novel materials are being discovered to improve photovoltaic efficiency.