Designer Polymers Created from Peptide Bundles Promise Super-Strong Future Materials
Computational design of bundled peptide building blocks that can be precisely linked provides new ways to create customized polymers.
Computational design of bundled peptide building blocks that can be precisely linked provides new ways to create customized polymers.
A new quantitative understanding of how, at what distance, and in what shape zinc oxide nanoparticles come together while separated by liquid.
Scientists track down coexistence of multiple shapes in the Nickel-64 nucleus: a spherical ground state and elongated and flattened shapes.
New measurements provide insights for geochronology and reactor design.
Researchers address the challenge of integrating the hot core and the cooler edge of a fusion plasma.
Nuclear physicists narrow the search for a rare nuclear decay that can explain the origin of matter in the universe.
A newly designed X-ray oscillator may enable atomic level precision with intense X-ray pulses.
A new quantitative understanding of how, at what distance, and in what shape zinc oxide nanoparticles come together while separated by liquid.
Microbial populations trade places to satisfy their nitrogen nutritional needs.
Tracking particles containing charm quarks offers insight into how quarks combine.
Scientists discovered the lightest isotope of mendelevium thanks to the direct measurement of its mass number.
Data from the first observation of a neutron-star collision combined with input from modern nuclear theory narrow the range of neutron star radii.