Unraveling how Tungsten Armor Erodes in Tokamak Walls
New high-resolution measurements of tokamaks’ tungsten walls may provide insight into how to better protect the armor material
New high-resolution measurements of tokamaks’ tungsten walls may provide insight into how to better protect the armor material
Researchers create the most complete model yet of complex protein machinery.
By rotating materials commonly used in computer storage devices, scientists found a new way to change their intrinsic properties
Algorithms supporting a “microscope in a computer” tool enable early screening of several major cancers
Developing computer models of the plasma in a unique device is helping a company take the next steps towards producing power
Diagnostic test will improve performance of collider as physicists explore sources of proton spin
The SNO+ Experiment, over a mile underground, places new limits on grand unified theories and studies neutrinos from the Sun
Researchers develop design rules that guide the self-assembly of crystals and frameworks into thin sheets for energy storage and other uses
Novel isotope tracking brings nanoscale chemistry into view
Novel microscopy method cuts instrument crosstalk, boosts accuracy
Ligands allow fine tuning of nanoparticle superstructure properties
New optics technology can bring hard X-ray pulses down to a mere 300 picoseconds each