Meeting the Challenge of Diagnostics for Super-Hot Plasmas in Fusion Reactors
New atomic transition found in xenon accurately calibrates neutral hydrogen density measurements in plasma experiments important in the pursuit of fusion energy.
New atomic transition found in xenon accurately calibrates neutral hydrogen density measurements in plasma experiments important in the pursuit of fusion energy.
A new technique synchronized high-energy electrons with an ultrafast laser pulse to probe how vibrational states of atoms change in time.
The metal-organic framework NU-1000 allows separation of toxic furanics from sugars, which is necessary for efficient ethanol production.
Scientists replace iron in muscle protein, combining the best aspects of chemical and biological catalysts for enhanced production of chemicals and fuels.
Researchers simulate the design of new quantum bits for easier engineering of quantum computers.
Detailed genetic studies reveal an underground world of stunning microbial diversity and add dozens of new branches to the tree of life.
Insights into how ancient marine organisms formed shells could improve climate model accuracy.
Scientists advance the precision controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals, which could create new catalysts that improve industrial energy efficiency.
Study models soil-pore features that hold or release carbon dioxide.
A new energy-efficient separation of rare earth elements could provide a new domestic source of critical materials.
Bombarding a material with high-energy charged atoms heals, rather than damages, the atomic structure, which could lead to longer-lasting components for extreme environments.