Understanding Nature’s Choreography in Batteries
Charge-discharge chemistry for lithium ion batteries elucidated by theoretical calculations.
Charge-discharge chemistry for lithium ion batteries elucidated by theoretical calculations.
Molecular structures provide insights into biomass deconstruction.
New computational technique creates high resolution maps of subsurface CO2 after geologic sequestration.
Using newly synthesized polymers results in enhanced light harvesting capabilities and an unprecedented generation of photocurrent.
New porous, electrically conductive materials have potential uses in fuel cells, batteries, and solar photovoltaics.
Atomic-Scale, femtosecond time-scale measurements unravel the atomistic pathways and speed limits for copper migration through a nanocrystal.
Structure and composition of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in lithium ion batteries was investigated via a unique combination of microscopy and spectroscopy.
This observation paves the way for a deeper understanding of high-temperature superconductivity and future applications for quantum computing.
Long-range, three-dimensional alignment and stacking of multiple regions within biologically derived membranes.
A simple, robust catalyst is capable of both water oxidation and carbon dioxide splitting, two difficult yet key reactions for solar energy conversion.
Unusual reaction eschews high temperatures and water to lock away climate-changing carbon dioxide.
Precise control of nanowire geometry and optical environment enables tuning of lasing properties.