One Photon or Two?
First mixed matter/anti-matter probe aims to solve decade-old proton puzzle.
First mixed matter/anti-matter probe aims to solve decade-old proton puzzle.
Study reveals surprising non-uniformity in vanadium dioxide that could one day enable more energy-efficient technologies.
Simple human-made cellular analogues both sense and regulate in response to externally created stress.
Generating and moving small, stable magnetic islands at room temperature could be the ticket to more energy-efficient electronics.
Major milestone in molecular electronics scored by Molecular Foundry and Columbia University team.
Tiny “match-head” wires act as built-in light concentrators, enhancing solar cell efficiency.
For the first time, electron tomography reveals the 3D coordinates of individual atoms and defects in a material.
Keeping the lights on: Solving the intermittency shortcomings of renewable solar energy.
Low-fatigue material remembers its shape, despite being transformed over 10 million times, could upgrade solar devices.
Reversible self-assembled structures balance two competing attractions to enable stimuli-responsive materials.
A novel technique allows new insight into the barriers to fuel evolution.
Bacterial spore-polymer composites harness energy from evaporation to power locomotion and generate electricity.