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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

Michigan State University

MSU to Establish Training Program to Address National Shortage in Accelerator Scientists, Engineers

The Accelerator Science and Engineering Traineeship program will bring together MSU’s strengths to formulate a graduate student curriculum that will be implemented by physics and astronomy faculty in the College of Natural Science, the College of Engineering and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.

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Arizona State University

Learning from Photosynthesis

A new study, from Hao Yan and Neal Woodbury from ASU’s Biodesign Institute and colleagues from Harvard and MIT, outlines the design of a synthetic system for energy gathering, conversion and transport that may point the way to innovations in solar energy, materials science, nanotechnology and photonics

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Carnegie Institution for Science

When Water Met Iron Deep Inside the Earth, It Might Have Created Conditions for Life

Reservoirs of oxygen-rich iron between the Earth’s core and mantle could have played a major role in Earth’s history, including the breakup of supercontinents, drastic changes in Earth’s atmospheric makeup, and the creation of life, according to recent work from an international research team published in National Science Review.

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University California Davis

Supercomputer Simulates Dynamic Magnetic Fields of Jupiter, Earth, Sun

As the Juno space probe approached Jupiter in June last year, researchers with the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics’ Dynamo Working Group which is headquartered at UC Davis, were starting to run simulations of the giant planet’s magnetic field on one of the world’s fastest computers. While the timing was coincidental, the supercomputer modeling should help scientists interpret the data from Juno, and vice versa.

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