Double the Charge from One Photon in Organic Photovoltaics
First observation of key intermediate state in the conversion of one photon to two electrons.
First observation of key intermediate state in the conversion of one photon to two electrons.
Observation of wavelike heat conduction reveals new possibilities for tailoring thermal transport through wave effects.
Charge-discharge chemistry for lithium ion batteries elucidated by theoretical calculations.
New computational technique creates high resolution maps of subsurface CO2 after geologic sequestration.
Using newly synthesized polymers results in enhanced light harvesting capabilities and an unprecedented generation of photocurrent.
A simple, robust catalyst is capable of both water oxidation and carbon dioxide splitting, two difficult yet key reactions for solar energy conversion.
Precise control of nanowire geometry and optical environment enables tuning of lasing properties.
Discovering how polymer organization on the molecular level affects electric charge movement in organic solar cells.
Adding an oxide sieve, a layer containing nanocavities, to a catalyst surface makes the catalyst selective for specific reactions and increases efficiencies for chemical processes.
Rapid creation of carbon-fluorine bonds may lead to improved production of drugs, agrochemicals and positron emission tomography (PET) tracers.
New theory describes light management in thin-film solar cells.
A step closer to an artificial system using sunlight to produce hydrogen from water