Half-Quantum Step Toward Quantum Advantage
Physicists show unconventional pairing in a new type of superconductor that could be useful for quantum computing
Physicists show unconventional pairing in a new type of superconductor that could be useful for quantum computing
New material is 10 times more efficient at converting light to electricity than other materials
A new class of material absorbs and fixes atmospheric carbon dioxide to help it grow, get denser, and repair itself using sunlight.
By rotating materials commonly used in computer storage devices, scientists found a new way to change their intrinsic properties
Layer-by-layer analysis uncovers microscopic mechanisms that affect thin film magnetism important to electronics.
Scientists discover a completely new atomic motion in a 2-D material.
Scientists find the weak points to facilitate industrial applications of metallic glasses.
Redefining the mechanisms of stress corrosion cracking for materials in energy generation and industrial systems.
Simple fluid-driven nanoparticle catch-and-release process directs repair of cracks with debris from the damage.
Ultrafast X-rays track how associated pairs of atoms find new locations when triggered by light.
Low-power ultraviolet light manipulation of superconductivity may lead to next-generation quantum devices.
Penetrating X-ray mapping technique measures atomic character of crack propagation, which could lead to tougher metals.