A Nanoscale Look at Why a New Alloy is Amazingly Tough
A team of researchers led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has identified several mechanisms that make a new, cold-loving material one of the toughest metallic alloys ever.
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Finding New Ways to Optimize Old Codes
A team at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility has developed a software application that mines the source code for computational patterns, helping users identify additional opportunities for extracting parallelism from parts of the code for greater efficiency on high performance computing systems.
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PPPL Physicists Simulate Innovative Method for Starting Up Tokamaks Without Using a Solenoid
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have produced self-consistent computer simulations that capture the evolution of an electric current inside fusion plasma without using a central electromagnet, or solenoid.
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ORNL on Team Officially Recognized for Elements 115, 117 Discovery
The International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry has announced formal verification of four new chemical elements, recognizing the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its collaborators for the discovery of elements 115 and 117.
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Q&A: Biologist Describes Milestone Toward a Universal Flu Vaccine
Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and the Crucell Vaccine Institute have now designed a protein fragment called mini-HA that stimulates the production of antibodies against a variety of influenza viruses.
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Beam-Beam Compensation Scheme Doubles Proton-Proton Collision Rates at RHIC
Scientists at Brookhaven National Lab are using an electron gun to create a negatively charged electron beam, kicking protons toward the center of the beam, maximizing collision rates, and producing more data in their search for the source of proton spin.
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Creating a Super Lattice: Zipping Electrons, Jumping Holes, and the Quest for Solar Fuels
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washington created a new material that quickly separates electrons and their holes, providing a key insight for solar fuel production
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Brookhaven Scientists to Lead Two New Nuclear Theory Collaborative Projects
Theoretical physicists from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory will serve as principal investigators for two of three recently announced collaborative projects exploring the theoretical underpinnings of nuclear physics.
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New Hybrid Electrolyte For Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a novel electrolyte for use in solid-state lithium batteries that overcomes many of the problems that plague other solid electrolytes while also showing signs of being compatible with next-generation cathodes.
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Getting the Lead Out of Photovoltaics with Neutrons
Researchers from DuPont and the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are studying hybrid perovskites at TOPAZ, SNS beam line 12, with hopes of influencing the development of better photovoltaics.
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Jefferson Lab Accelerator Delivers Its First 12 GeV Electrons
The newly upgraded accelerator at the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has delivered full-energy electrons as part of commissioning activities for the ongoing 12 GeV Upgrade project.
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Discovering a Previously Unknown Mechanism That Halts Solar Eruptions Before They Blast Into Space
At the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), researchers led by associate research physicist Clayton Myers have identified a mechanism that may halt eruptions before they leave the sun.
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