Unlocking the Secrets of Metal-Insulator Transitions
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy at NSLS-II's CSX beamline used to understand electrical conductivity transitions in magnetite
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Two DOE Supercomputers Top List of World’s Fastest
Two U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories are now home to the fastest supercomputers in the world, according to the new TOP500 List, a semiannual ranking of the world’s fastest computing systems.
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Sunlight Turns Membrane Into a Self-cleaning, Pollutant-eating Powerhouse
researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have invented a membrane that, when exposed to sunlight, can clean itself and also actively degrade pollutants. The advance paves the way for membranes that can last longer and perform better than those in use today, lowering costs.
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Fermilab's Recruitment of Veterans is a Win-Win for Everyone
Fermilab has expanded its VetTech internship program, seeking out veterans for technical and computing positions across the laboratory.
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Robots and Remote Systems to the Rescue
This summer, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory educated a group of college interns on how to use robotic systems to advance manufacturing.
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A Next Step for GRETA: A Better Gamma-Ray Detector
A new high-resolution gamma-ray detector system – designed to reveal new details about the structure and inner workings of atomic nuclei, and to elevate our understanding of matter and the stellar creation of elements – has passed an important project milestone.
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Unleashing A World of Quantum Opportunities
Working with interagency partners, the Department of Energy is striving to advance quantum computing, the next frontier in the Information Age.
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Department of Energy to Provide $100 Million for Particle Physics Research
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $100 million for new and renewal university grants for the study of high energy physics. The grants are expected to cover the full range of particle physics research, including work based on proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the study of neutrinos, the search for dark matter and dark energy, the advance of particle accelerator and detector technologies, and particle physics theory.
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Leading-edge AI Computing System Now at Home with Brookhaven Lab's Computational Science Initiative
The Computational Science Initiative (CSI) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory now hosts one of the newest computing systems aimed at enhancing the speed and scale for conducting diverse scientific research: the NVIDIA® DGX-2™ Artificial Intelligence supercomputer.
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Dancing Atoms in Perovskite Materials Provide Insight Into How Solar Cells Work
A new study is a step forward in understanding why perovskite materials work so well in energy devices and potentially leads the way toward a theorized “hot” technology that would significantly improve the efficiency of today’s solar cells.
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LASSO Case Study: Tapping ARM’s Doppler Lidars
To improve models, researchers tap Doppler LIDARs to estimate critical cloud-based updrafts and downdrafts that carry heat and moisture.
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Award Finalists Demonstrate Improved QCD Code for Supercomputing
Modeling nuclei using fundamental quantum mechanics equations is a big job to manage, even for the world’s fastest computers.
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