Brookhaven Lab Partners with Seven U.S. Department of Energy Labs to Support and Enhance Medical Data Analysis for U.S. Veterans
As a partner with seven other U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories in the VA-DOE Big Data Science Initiative, Brookhaven National Laboratory will work with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to transform the practice of medicine and improve the lives and well-being of our nation’s veterans and the public.
Read more about Brookhaven Lab Partners with Seven U.S. Department of Energy Labs to Support and Enhance Medical Data Analysis for U.S. Veterans
Neutrons Probe Oxygen-Generating Enzyme for a Greener Approach to Clean Water
An international team of researchers led by Christian Obinger from the University of Vienna used neutron analysis at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, x-ray crystallography and other techniques to shed light on a unique enzyme that could provide an eco-friendly treatment for chlorite-contaminated water supplies and improve water quality worldwide.
Read more about Neutrons Probe Oxygen-Generating Enzyme for a Greener Approach to Clean Water
SLAC X-ray Laser Reveals How Extreme Shocks Deform a Metal’s Atomic Structure
Scientists have used the X-ray laser at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to see, for the first time, how a material’s atomic structure deforms when shocked by pressures nearly as extreme as the ones at the center of the Earth.
Read more about SLAC X-ray Laser Reveals How Extreme Shocks Deform a Metal’s Atomic Structure
Plasma from Lasers Can Shed Light on Cosmic Rays and Solar Eruptions
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have found lasers that generate plasma can provide insight into bursts of subatomic particles that occur in deep space.
Read more about Plasma from Lasers Can Shed Light on Cosmic Rays and Solar Eruptions
INCITE Grants of 5.95 Billion Hours Awarded to 55 Computational Research Projects
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science announced 55 projects with high potential for accelerating discovery through its Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. The projects will share 5.95 billion core-hours on three of America’s most powerful supercomputers dedicated to capability-limited open science and support a broad range of large-scale research campaigns from infectious disease treatment to next-generation materials development.
Read more about INCITE Grants of 5.95 Billion Hours Awarded to 55 Computational Research Projects
Rules of Attraction
Markus Eisenbach, a computational scientist at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, heads a group of researchers who are exploring how atoms align in magnetic materials.
Read more about Rules of Attraction
Fuel Cell X-Ray Study Details Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Performance
To find the right balance of moisture and temperature in a specialized type of hydrogen fuel cell, Berkeley Lab scientists have used X-rays to explore the inner workings of its components at tiny scales.
Read more about Fuel Cell X-Ray Study Details Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Performance
“Perfectly Frustrated” Metal Provides Possible Path to Superconductivity, Other New Quantum States
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory has discovered and described the existence of a unique disordered electron spin state in a metal that may provide a unique pathway to finding and studying frustrated magnets.
Read more about “Perfectly Frustrated” Metal Provides Possible Path to Superconductivity, Other New Quantum States
The Mystery of the Star That Wouldn’t Die
Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley scientists were part of a team that helped to decipher one of the most bizarre spectacles ever seen in the night sky: A supernova that refused to stop shining, remaining bright far longer than an ordinary stellar explosion.
Read more about The Mystery of the Star That Wouldn’t Die
Reaching New Heights: Physicists Improve the Vertical Stability of Superconducting Korean Fusion Device
A team of U.S. and Korean researchers, led by physicist Dennis Mueller of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), has now sharply improved the stability of the elongated plasma in KSTAR, setting an example for how to address similar issues in other superconducting devices such as ITER.
Read more about Reaching New Heights: Physicists Improve the Vertical Stability of Superconducting Korean Fusion Device
Ho Nyung Lee: Delivering Exceptional Science Through Dedication and Perseverance
Lee is the leader of the Thin Films and Nanostructures Group at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and ORNL manager of the DOE-BES Materials Science and Engineering Program.
Read more about Ho Nyung Lee: Delivering Exceptional Science Through Dedication and Perseverance
Scientists Narrow Down the Search for Dark Photons Using Decade-Old Particle Collider Data
A fresh analysis of particle-collider data, co-led by Berkeley Lab physicists, limits some of the hiding places for one type of theorized particle – the dark photon, also known as the heavy photon – that was proposed to help explain the mystery of dark matter.
Read more about Scientists Narrow Down the Search for Dark Photons Using Decade-Old Particle Collider Data