ALCF Seeking Proposals to Advance Big Data Problems in Big Science
The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Data Science Program (ADSP) is now accepting proposals for projects hoping to gain insight into very large datasets produced by experimental, simulation, or observational methods.
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New Study Reveals the Mystery Behind the Formation of Hollowed Nanoparticles During Metal Oxidation
Argonne and Temple University researchers describe the behavior of metal nanoparticles by watching them in real time as they oxidized. By using a combination of X-ray scattering and computational simulation, the researchers were able to observe and model the changes in nanoparticle geometry as they occurred.
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Brookhaven Lab, Stony Brook University Scientists Present Catalysis Research Opportunities at NSLS-II
In the March 31 online edition of Synchrotron Radiation News, an article authored by a group of researchers from U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University describes the research opportunities and tools available (or coming soon) to catalysis scientists at Brookhaven's new state-of the-art synchrotron facility, the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a DOE Office of Science User Facility.
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Predictive Power: CASL aids startup of TVA’s Watts Bar Unit 2
Researchers at Oak Ridge National Lab carried out the largest time-dependent simulation of a nuclear power plant to date, confirming engineers’ predictions related to the safe and reliable operation of the Watts Bar Unit 2 (WB2) nuclear power plant.
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Rare Supernova Discovery Ushers in New Era for Cosmology
With the help of an automated supernova-hunting pipeline, developed by Berkeley Lab astrophysicists, and a galaxy sitting 2 billion light years away from Earth that’s acting as a “magnifying glass,’’ astronomers have captured multiple images of a Type Ia supernova—the brilliant explosion of a star—appearing in four different locations on the sky.
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A Real CAM-Do Attitude
A team of researchers, including one from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, used supercomputing to understand processes leading to increased drought resistance in food and fuel crops.
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Changing the game
Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Lab unlock hardware's hidden talent for rendering 3D graphics for science — and video games.
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Ames Laboratory Hosts its First Office of Science Graduate Student Program Researcher
To fund her research at Ames Laboratory, Elizabeth Wille applied for a supplemental award through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program. SCGSR’s program prepares graduate student recipients for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) careers critical to the DOE Office of Science mission.
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Q&A with CFN User Davood Shahrjerdi
Combining the unique properties of emerging nanomaterials with advanced silicon-based electronics, NYU's Shahrjerdi engineers nano-bioelectronics.
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Better Living Through Pressure: Functional Nanomaterials Made Easy
Using pressure instead of chemicals, a Sandia National Laboratories team has fabricated nanoparticles into nanowire-array structures similar to those that underlie the surfaces of touch-screens for sensors, computers, phones and TVs.
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Study on Impact of Climate Change on Snowpack
An international team of scientists, including one from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has found that up to 20 percent loss in the annual maximum amount of water contained in the Western United States' mountain snowpack in the last three decades is due to human influence.
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Dustin Leverman: A Unique Route to HPC Systems
Leverman is the HPC storage system administrator for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a DOE Office of Science User Facility located at ORNL. He spends his days assisting users with performance problems and ensuring reliability of the day-to-day operations of the file system, which contains information generated by the OLCF’s flagship supercomputer, Titan.
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