Secretary Chu announces up to $12.5 million to support fellowships to outstanding students pursuing graduate training in areas of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, engineering, and environmental and computational sciences relevant to the Office of Science. Applications are due November 30, 2009
President Obama named nine eminent researchers as recipients of the National Medal of Science, one of the highest honors bestowed by the United States government on scientists, engineers, and inventors. Special congratulations for the two DOE laboratory-affiliated awardees
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the delivery of $377 million in funding the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) located at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms across the nation
WorldWideScience provides a one-stop search engine to mine global scientific databases in the deep web
U.S Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today that more than $327 million in new funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will go toward scientific research, instrumentation, and laboratory infrastructure projects
Secretary Chu: President's Energy Budget Creates Jobs, Restores America's Scientific Leadership and Puts Nation on the Path to Energy Independence
The White House today announced that the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science will invest $777 million in Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) over the next five years.