Program Offices AI Pages
The Office of Science develops and uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms across a diverse research portfolio to continue to push the boundaries of scientific research and leverage massive amounts of data to encourage scientific breakthroughs.
The following describes SC program offices’ support for AI research.
Advanced Scientific Computing Research supports efforts to develop new Scientific Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms to enable scientific research. In addition, ASCR facilitates the development of the fastest supercomputers in the nation to support the use of AI and Deep Learning.
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Basic Energy Sciences aims to advance the use of modern data science approaches to accelerate discovery in chemical and materials sciences and to maximize the production, analysis, and control of data generated at scientific user facilities. Read More
Biological and Environmental Research recognizes the potential of AI and has engaged the Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division (EESSD) to define what future framework is needed to harness AI for Earth system predictability and engaged the Biological System Sciences Division to advance new model formulations, analytics, and model data integration. Read More
Fusion Energy Sciences supports research into artificial intelligence and deploys these tools to predict key plasma phenomena; optimize active plasma control algorithms; provide plasma diagnostics; and develop data algorithms able to handle the amount and rate of data generated by fusion simulations and experiments. Read More
High Energy Physics supports fundamental research to understand how our universe works at its most fundamental level. HEP use AI techniques to transform research by harnessing DOE investments in experiments that produce massive datasets, improve operations at scientific user facilities, and development of new models and algorithms. Read More
Isotope R&D and Production increasingly leverages Artificial Intelligence in its R&D and isotope production activities to ensure a secure, domestic supply of isotopes that are of vital importance to the Nation. Read More
Nuclear Physics supports the technical development at the intersections between real-time machine learning and control, and the optimization of accelerator systems and detector design using artificial intelligence (AI) models. These techniques revolutionize the interpretation of extremely large and information-rich data sets and increase the discovery potential of present and future experiments at NP facilities and future machines. Read More