Scaling Plant Traits Stymied by Uncertainty in Measured Global Photosynthesis
Multiple plausible hypotheses in how maximum photosynthetic rates scale across the Earth lead to substantial variability in predicting carbon uptake.
Multiple plausible hypotheses in how maximum photosynthetic rates scale across the Earth lead to substantial variability in predicting carbon uptake.
Chemical genomic-guided engineering of gamma-valerolactone-tolerant yeast.
Certain species of trees retain stored water, limit root growth to survive three months without water.
Researchers bring extreme conditions to a supercomputer and discover new insights about our solar system and beyond.
Intuitive visual analytical model better explains complex architectural scenarios and offers general design principles.
Supercomputer simulations predict how E. coli adapts to environmental stresses.
Electronic and structure richness arise from the merger of semiconducting molecules of carbon buckyballs and 2-D graphene.
Tracking atoms is crucial to improving the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.
Iron may be more valuable than platinum. Sometimes.
Single sheets made of pentagons are proven to exist and uniquely combine promising electronic properties and air stability.
Genetically engineered switchgrass does not change soil chemistry, microbiology, or carbon storage potential.
Understanding assembly principles may inspire new approaches for making valuable products.