Tiny, Sugar-Coated Sheets Selectively Target Pathogens
Researchers design self-assembling nanosheets that mimic the surface of cells.
Read more about Tiny, Sugar-Coated Sheets Selectively Target Pathogens
Researchers design self-assembling nanosheets that mimic the surface of cells.
Read more about Tiny, Sugar-Coated Sheets Selectively Target PathogensThe Fusion Recurrent Neural Network reliably forecasts disruptive and destructive events in tokamaks.
Insight about energy flow in copper-based material could aid in creating efficient molecular electronics.
The spin direction of protons was reversed, for the first time, using a nine-magnet device, potentially helping tease out details about protons that affect medical imaging and more.
Antiquark spin contribution to proton spin depends on flavor, which could help unlock secrets about the nuclear structure of atoms that make up nearly all visible matter in our universe.
A precision measurement of the proton’s weak charge narrows the search for new physics.
Physicists develop a universal mathematical description that suggests that proton-neutron pairs in a nucleus may explain why their associated quarks have lower average momenta than predicted.
With user facilities, researchers devise novel battery chemistries to help make fluoride batteries a reality.
Pressure in the middle of a proton is about 10 times higher than in a neutron star.
Scientists discovered how iron atoms continually re-arrange on surfaces, offering insights into metal corrosion and soil remediation.
Detailed 3D images show how nanoparticles change in reactions that purify contaminated water or power recyclable geochemical batteries.
Researchers demystify how the nitrogenase enzyme breaks bonds to learn a better way to make ammonia.