Sugar-Coated Sheets Selectively Target Pathogens
Researchers design self-assembling nanosheets that mimic the surface of cells.
Researchers design self-assembling nanosheets that mimic the surface of cells.
Scientists add active control to design capabilities for new lightweight flat optical devices.
Supercomputer simulations and theoretical analysis shed new light on when and how fast reconnection occurs.
Elegant techniques of trapping and polarizing atoms open vistas for beta-decay tests of fundamental symmetries, key to understanding the most basic forces and particles constituting our universe.
A new supercapacitor could be a competitive alternative to lithium-ion batteries.
Atom probe tomography reveals key explanations for stable performance over a cutting-edge diesel-exhaust catalyst’s lifetime.
A nickelate thin film senses electric field changes analogous to the electroreception sensing organ in sharks, which detects the bioelectric fields of prey.
Let’s talk! Scientists demonstrate coherent coupling between a quantum dot and a donor atom in silicon, vital for moving information inside quantum computers.
Creating nanotextured glass surfaces completely eliminates reflections of all colors of light, making the glass nearly invisible.
A new measurement using a beam of aluminum-26 prepared in a metastable state allows researchers to better understand the creation of the elements in our galaxy.
A mysterious mechanism that prevents instabilities may be similar to the process that maintains the Earth's magnetic field.
2-D velocity imaging helps fusion researchers understand the role of ion winds (aka flows) in the boundary of tokamak plasmas.