Unique Interface and Unexpected Behavior Help Explain How Heavy Metals Act
Three types of water molecules form around a platinum-based ion, offering insights for waste processing and metal refining.
Three types of water molecules form around a platinum-based ion, offering insights for waste processing and metal refining.
Scientists show metabolic tradeoffs result from a specific change to the grow-defend balance.
Research offers details on the chemistry of the trihydrogen ion.
Review highlights insights into coherence, which could help overcome roadblocks in next-generation energy systems.
Exploiting a strain-engineering approach could provide nanoscale light sources with a nonfluctuating emission wavelength for use in sensors, quantum communication, and imaging.
Ions at the edge of water, exposed to air, don’t separate like they do when surrounded by water, offering insights for desalination and corrosion.
Adding glucose to a green microalga culture induces accumulation of fatty acids and other valuable bioproducts.
Read more about Feeding Sugars to Algae Makes Them FatA pioneering study offers an easier approach to study how microbes work and could help scientists advance models of the cycling of elements and nutrients in frequently flooded soils.
Scientists develop a molecular map of metabolic products of bacteria in root nodules to aid sustainable agriculture.
New technique enables more efficient and precise estimates of trends in ozone and other atmospheric constituents within selected geographical regions and timeframes.
Global data set shows monthly water use by irrigation, manufacturing, and other uses, helping researchers to analyze water use by region and season.
Researchers link root water uptake to root traits and assess (poor) performance of common models.