Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (BERAC)
November 2-3, 2017


Presentations Topics
Dr. Steve Binkley,
Acting Director
News from the Office of Science
Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax, Associate Director   News from BER
Dr. Gary Geernaert News from Climate & Environmental Sciences Division
Dr. Todd Anderson News from Biological Systems Science Division  
Dr. Andrzej Joachimiak (ANL) Report from BSSD COV
BSSD COV Draft Report
Dr. Minghua Zhang (Stony Brook University) BERAC Science Talk: Predicting Extreme Climate with Earth System Models: A Top-Down Look at the Southern Great Plain   
Dr. Jim Mather (PNNL) Facility update: ARM
Dr. Celine Bonfils (LLNL) Early Career Science Talk: Detection and Attribution of Regional Climate Change with a Focus on the Precursors of Droughts
Dr. Gary Stacey    Review, Discussion, and Vote on Grand Challenges Report
Grand Challenges Draft Report
Dr. Doug Kothe (ORNL)    Briefing: Exascale Computing Project
Dr. Mary Maxon (LBNL) 

Briefing: Council of Competitiveness Workshop: Advancing US Bioscience

Dr. Cathy Ronning (BER)   Briefing: Plant Genome Interagency Working Group 

Dr. Angela Records (USAID) 

Briefing: Microbiome Interagency Working Group

Introduction and talks from new Bioenergy Research Center Directors

Presentations Topics

Keasling, Jay D. (LBNL)

Joint Bioenergy Center (JBEI)

Jerry Tuskan (ORNL)

Center for Bioenergy Innovation (CBI)

Steve Long
for Evan DeLucia
Center for Advanced Biofuel and Bioproduct Innovation (CABBI), Illinois University
Tim Donohue

Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC), University of Wisconsin