Water Plays Unexpected Role in Forming Minerals
Water molecules line up tiny particles to attach and form minerals; understanding how this happens impacts energy extraction and storage along with waste disposal.
Water molecules line up tiny particles to attach and form minerals; understanding how this happens impacts energy extraction and storage along with waste disposal.
New detector enables electron microscope imaging at record-breaking resolution.
Scientists can now measure 3-D structures of tiny particles with properties that hold promise for advanced sensors and diagnostics.
New method can make films of atomically thin carbon that are over a foot long.
A new approach to atom probe tomography promises more precise and accurate measurements vital to semiconductors used in computers, lasers, detectors, and more.
Scientists uncover a way to control terahertz radiation using tiny engineered particles in a magnetic field, potentially opening the doors for better medical and environmental sensors.
Efficient generation of photon pairs from modified carbon nanotubes shows path to new types of light sources.
The element’s unusual electron structure and behavior are vital to understanding and exploiting the chemical bonding and reactivity of the heavy elements.
Crests of watery waves breaking in oil may be the gatekeepers to transport vital chemicals in industrial separation process.
Researchers developed a new self-generating lubricant with great potential for industrial applications.
Researchers design self-assembling nanosheets that mimic the surface of cells.
Scientists add active control to design capabilities for new lightweight flat optical devices.