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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

Science Highlights

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Creating Bionic Enzymes

Scientists replace iron in muscle protein, combining the best aspects of chemical and biological catalysts for enhanced production of chemicals and fuels.

More Steps, Faster Results

New method lets supercomputers model key details of greenhouse gases and molecules relevant to automobile combustion.

Pure as the Driven X-Ray

Seeding x-ray free electron lasers with customized electron beams produces incredibly stable laser pulses that could enable new scientific discoveries.

Light Strikes Gold

Scientists advance the precision controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals, which could create new catalysts that improve industrial energy efficiency.

Rare Earth Recycling

A new energy-efficient separation of rare earth elements could provide a new domestic source of critical materials.

Surrounded by Water

Water molecules can organize around protons from acids, influencing how the positive charge behaves in batteries, power plants, and waste sites.

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