Dr. Viviane Schwartz

Dr. Vivian Schwartz
Program Manager 
Catalysis Science Program

Office of Basic Energy Sciences
SC-32.1/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290

E-Mail:[email protected]
Phone: (301) 903-0448
Fax: (301) 903-0271

Dr. Schwartz is a program manager in the Catalysis Science Program.

Prior to joining DOE as a program manager in the Catalysis Sciences Program in 2015, Dr. Schwartz worked as a Research Staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). During her 11-year tenure at ORNL, her research encompassed a series of activities with the ultimate goal of creating and sharing innovative solutions for nanomaterials in catalysis science. Her research has contributed to important new insights into carbon-based catalytic materials for oxidation chemistry and sulfur clean-up; study of selective catalysts for ethanol production; study of highly active and selective gold nano-catalysts for CO oxidation of value for automotive fuel cell applications; and utilization of synchrotron techniques as a tool for unraveling the structure of nanomaterials. Previous post-doctoral appointments included ETH-Zuerich and University of Delaware where she specialized in utilizing X-ray absorption fine structure techniques to investigate the structure of catalysts. She has mentored five postdoctoral fellows and a number of graduate-student users from the ORNL Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences User Program, has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and served as reviewer for BES, NSF, and for many catalysis science research journals.


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech