Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC): Partnership in Nuclear Physics
Submission Deadline for Letters of Intent: February 24, 2022 at 5:00 PM ET
- A Letter of Intent is required
- Letters of Intent Response: March 2, 2002 at 5:00 PM ET
- Submission Deadline for Applications: April 26, 2022 at 11:59 PM ET
Energy Frontier Research Centers
Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: February 15, 2022 at 5:00PM Eastern Time
- A Pre-Application is required
- Pre-Application Response Date: March 22, 2022
- Submission Deadline for Applications: May 3, 2022 at 11:59PM Eastern Time
At both the pre-application and application stage the FOA requires submission of tables in Excel format by email to [email protected]
EFRC FOA Webinar Slides (2022-01-19)
EFRC FOA Webinar Video (2022-01-19)
The application due date will NOT be extended as a result of this Amendment No. 000001.
Changes made this by Amendment are summarized on the page following the Table of Contents.
Description of Amendment 000001: (This description is only a summary of the changes made by this amendment. The entire Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), including the actual revisions made by Amendment No. 000001, should be carefully reviewed by all prospective applicants.)
1. In Section I, under “Science for Clean Energy Reports”, the previous link to a brochure for “BES Roundtable on Foundational Science for Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen Technologies” is replaced with a links to the full report of the same name, which is now available (Page 2 of this amended FOA).
2. In Section VII, under A. Questions, the previous reference to the due date for questions is changed from “12:00 Noon Eastern Time on [7 days before application due date]” to specify “12:00 Noon Eastern Time on April 29, 2022.” (Page 39 of this amended FOA).
Genomics-Enabled Plant Biology for Determination of Gene Function
Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: January 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- A Pre-Application is required
- Pre-Application Response Date: January 28, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: March 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Systems Biology Enabled Microbiome Research to Facilitate Predictions of Interactions and Behavior in the Environment
Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: January 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- A Pre-Application is required
- Pre-Application Response Date: January 28, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: April 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Amendment 000001: This amendment is issued to extend the application deadline to April 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time to accommodate any disruptions caused by the Government-wide adoption of the Unique Entity Identified (UEI) as a successor to the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).
Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC): Partnership in Nuclear Energy
Submission Deadline for Letter of Intent: February 17, 2022, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- A Letter of Intent is required
- Submission Deadline for Applications: April 19, 2022, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
FY 2022 Phase I Release 2
- Submission Deadline for Letters of Intent: January 3, 2022, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: February 22, 2022 11:59PM Eastern Time
- Phase I Release 2 Topics
Amendment 000001: This amendment revises the due dates on the cover page and the Company Commercialization Report (CCR) requirements on pages 34,35, 37, and 79.
Biosystems Design to Enable Safe Production of Next-Generation Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biomaterials
- Pre-Application Due Date: January 26, 2022 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. A pre-application is required.
- Pre-Application Response Date: February 9, 2022
- Application Due Date: April 7, 2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time
Amendment 000001: This amendment is issued to extend the application deadline to April 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time to accommodate any disruptions caused by the Government-wide adoption of the Unique Entity Identified (UEI) as a successor to the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).
High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasma Science
- Issue Date: December 8, 2021
- LOI Submission Deadline: December 28, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Application Submission Deadline: February 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
- Special Note: Letter of Intent is required
Building EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships
- Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: 01/13/2022 at 5:00 PM, Eastern Time
- Pre-Applications Response Date: 02/24/2022 at 5:00 PM, Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: April 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Amendment 000001: This amendment is issued to extend the application deadline by one week to accommodate any disruptions caused by the Government-wide adoption of the Unique Entity Identified (UEI) as a successor to the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
The new submission date for applications is 4/14/2022 at 11:59 PM, Eastern Time
SciDAC: Partnerships in Earth System Model Development
- Pre-Applications Due: January 13, 2022, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Pre-applications are required.
- Pre-Application Response Date: February 3, 2022
- Applications Due: April 11, 2022, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time
Computational Chemical Sciences
Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: January 7, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- A Pre-Application is required
- Pre-Application Response Date: February 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: March 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Quantum-Enabled Bioimaging and Sensing Approaches for Bioenergy
Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications: January 14, 2022, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- A Pre-Application is required
- Pre-Application Response Date: February 3, 2022, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
- Submission Deadline for Applications: April 7, 2022, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Amendment 000001: This amendment is issued to extend the application deadline to April 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time to accommodate any disruptions caused by the Government-wide adoption of the Unique Entity Identified (UEI) as a successor to the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).