SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting November 6-7, 2013
SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting
November 6-7, 2013
Sponsored by the Department of Energy
Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Physics (NP) is organizing a two day information exchange meeting between the representatives of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) companies with active Phase II grants supported by NP, scientists and engineers from the NP community, and NP Federal Program Managers. The meeting will include presentations from the SBIR/STTR companies on their research and presentations from invited speakers on the relevant technical needs of the NP community.
The goals and purpose of the meeting are:
- To provide a platform for small businesses to present the status of NP-supported Phase II grant work to the NP community and Federal Program Managers.
- To offer an opportunity to exchange information regarding the companies' capabilities and the technical needs of the NP programs.
- To strengthen the ties of the SBIR/STTR businesses with the community and enhance the possibilities for commercialization.
The meeting will cover all five Technical Topics in the current NP SBIR/STTR program listed below:
- Nuclear Physics Software and Data Management
- Nuclear Physics Electronics Design and Fabrication
- Nuclear Physics Accelerator Technology
- Nuclear Physics Instrumentation, Detection Systems and Techniques
- Nuclear Physics Isotope Science and Technology
Participation is on a volunteer basis and will not affect future SBIR application evaluations. Proprietary aspects of SBIR/STTR work are an important part of SBIR effort and SBIR/STTR speakers are expected to take the necessary precautions during the public sessions.
The meeting will be held on November 6-7, 2013, in the Washington D.C. area. Technical questions can be directed to Manouchehr Farkhondeh.