NSAC Members 2004 2005

DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee

Membership List 2004-5

Ricardo Alarcon
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287
Phone: (480) 965-8549
Fax: (480) 965-7954
Email: [email protected]

Thomas Glasmacher
National Superconducting
Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing , MI 48824-1321
Phone: (517) 333-6418
Fax: (517) 353-5967
Email: [email protected]

Kimberley Thomas (ACS)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
C Division, P. O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Phone: (505) 667-4457
Fax: (505) 665-4335
Email: [email protected]

Ani Aprahamian
Department of Physics
University of Notre Dame
183 Nieuwland Science Hall
Notre Dame , IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-8120
Fax: (574) 631-5952
Email: [email protected]

Roy Lacey
Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
459 Chemistry Building
Stony Brook , NY 11794-3400
Phone: (631) 632-7955
Fax: (631) 632-7960
Email: [email protected]

William Zajc
Nevis Labs
Columbia University
P. O. Box 137
Irvington , NY 10533
Phone: (914) 591-2811
Fax: (914) 591-8120
Email: [email protected]

Richard F. Casten, Chairperson
A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Lab
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520
Phone: (203) 432-6174
Fax: (203) 432-3522
Email: [email protected]

June Matthews
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 253-7800
Fax: (617) 253-0111
Email: [email protected]


Cornelis W. (Kees) de Jager
Thomas Jefferson National
Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Newport News, VA 23606
Phone: (757) 269-5254
Fax: (757) 269-5703
Email: [email protected]

Larry D. McLerran
Physics Dept., Nuclear Theory
Building 510A, PO Box 500
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973
Phone: (631) 344-8294
Fax: (631) 344-7561
Email: [email protected]


David J. Dean
Physics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 6003
Oak Ridge , TN 37831
Phone: (865) 576-5229
Fax: (865) 574-4745
Email: [email protected]

Alice C. Mignerey
Department of Chemistry
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-1852
Fax: (301) 314-9121
Email: [email protected]


Stuart Freedman
Department of Physics
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 486-7850
Fax: (510) 486-7983
Email: [email protected]

Guy Savard
Physics Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne , IL 60439-4801
Phone: (630) 252-4024
Fax: (630) 252-6210
Email: [email protected]


Alejandro Garcia
Department of Physics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1560
Phone: (206) 616-2875
Fax: (206) 616-4634
Email: [email protected]

Bradley Sherrill (APS)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 333-6322
Fax: 517) 353-5967
Email: [email protected]