Learning and Education Resources

You have reached the learning and education page, here you can find training and education documents, videos and resources for SBIR/STIR awardees and applicants. We have training and education to support the DOE Cybersecurity (CS) Requirement: SBIR/STTR Self-Assessment. To support the CS Self-Assessment requirement, it is highly recommended SBIR/STTR small business applicants review the Implementation Guidance for Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPG). Also, you will find CS Resources for small businesses to help understand and implement CS for small businesses. Finally, the CS team is in the process of developing training videos and webinars to assist SBIR/STTR applicants/awardees with understanding the CPGs. They should be posted by August 2024.

In addition, SBIR/STTR small business applicants/awardees may schedule 15 minute sessions with a CS Team member. The calendar and our contact information can be found on the CS Team page. It is highly recommended for SBIR/STTR small business applicants/awardees to complete pre-requisites, which include 1) review of the Implementation Guidance for CPGs, and 2) provide a meeting agenda 48 hours prior to the schedule meeting to ensure the most efficient use of time.



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