Synthesis Studies Transform Waste Sugar for Sustainable Energy Storage Applications
A research team at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory has now discovered a way to create functional materials from the impure waste sugars produced in the biorefining processes.
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Cracking the Code to Soot Formation
The longstanding mystery of soot formation, which combustion scientists have been trying to explain for decades, appears to be finally solved, thanks to research led by Sandia National Laboratories.
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ProtoDUNE in Pictures
The two ProtoDUNE detectors will help finalize the two different technologies that will be used for the four modules that will comprise DUNE’s far detector and will be filled with 70,000 tons of liquid argon.
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How SLAC's 'Electronics Artists' Enable Cutting-edge Science
A team of electrical designers develops specialized microchips for a broad range of scientific applications, including X-ray science and particle physics.
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Zaluzec Named Microscopy "Legend"
Nestor J. Zaluzec, a senior scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, has been named an inaugural Fellow in the Legends Class of the Microanalysis Society, an award that recognizes his contributions to advanced microscopy and microanalysis.
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NERSC, Intel, Cray Harness the Power of Deep Learning to Better Understand the Universe
A Big Data Center collaboration between computational scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and engineers at Intel and Cray has yielded another first in the quest to apply deep learning to data-intensive science: CosmoFlow, the first large-scale science application to use the TensorFlow framework on a CPU-based high performance computing platform with synchronous training.
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Researchers Discover New Source of Formic Acid Over Pacific, Indian Oceans
Insights from experiments at Sandia National Laboratories designed to push chemical systems far from equilibrium allowed an international group of researchers to discover a new major source of formic acid over the Pacific and Indian oceans.
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Topology, Physics & Machine Learning Take on Climate Research Data Challenges
Two PhD students who first came to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) as summer interns in 2016 are spending six months a year at the lab through 2020 developing new data analytics tools that could dramatically impact climate research and other large-scale science data projects.
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Sergei Kalinin: Turning Seeing Into Understanding and Making
Sergei Kalinin of the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory knows that seeing something is not the same as understanding it. As director of ORNL’s Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials, he convenes experts in microscopy and computing to gain scientific insights that will inform the design of advanced materials for energy and information technologies.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison and Argonne Partner to Further Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Entrepreneurship
The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory signed a memorandum of understanding to build partnerships to accelerate the development of technologies to fuel growth in the $1.2 trillion manufacturing sector, and facilitate a broad portfolio of research shared between the two institutions.
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Meet David Livoti: Radiofrequency Technician in Collider-Accelerator Department
Former Brookhaven National Laboratory intern David Livoti is now a full-time employee in the radiofrequency (RF) group of the C-AD complex, where he's part of a team of technicians that maintains RF systems for the Lab's particle accelerators.
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Cannibalistic Materials Feed on Themselves to Grow New Nanostructures
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory induced a two-dimensional material to cannibalize itself for atomic “building blocks” from which stable structures formed.
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