Undergraduate Students Extoll Benefits of National Laboratory Research Internships in Fusion and Plasma Science
On August 15, a cohort of undergraduate students who had participated in the Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) and Community College Internship (CCI) programs presented the results of the plasma physics work they had completed since their internships began on June 11, in projects touching on computer science, mechanical engineering, and artificial intelligence.
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Infrared Beams Show Cell Types in a Different Light
By shining highly focused infrared light on living cells, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) hope to unmask individual cell identities, and to diagnose whether the cells are diseased or healthy.
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Students Affected by Hurricane Maria Bring their Research to SLAC
This summer, five graduate students from the University of Puerto Rico had the opportunity to use SLAC’s world-class facilities to keep their studies on track.
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Cultivating the Next Generation of Atmospheric Scientists
Twenty-four graduate students and early career scientists from around the world visited ARM’s Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory during a rigorous weeklong training program in Oklahoma. The program focused on theoretical and practical work on the application of ground-based observations from a wide array of active and passive sensors.
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Ecosystems Are Getting Greener in the Arctic
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and UC Berkeley used satellite images taken over the past 30 years to track – down to a pixel representing approximately 25 square miles – the ebb and flow of plant growth in cold areas of the northern hemisphere, such as Alaska, the Arctic region of Canada, and the Tibetan Plateau.
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Potent Bacteria
A collaboration that includes scientists from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has discovered that the bacteria performs this feat by confining the toxic compound to the equivalent of a molecular dungeon.
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Newly Launched TRACER Center Offers Enhanced Dating and Tracer Capabilities
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held August 17 to formally open the Argonne TRACER Center (Trace Radioisotope Analysis Center) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory. The TRACER Center provides a new, permanent home for the nation’s only laser-based krypton atom-counting machine.
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Department of Energy Issues $31 Million Small Business Research and Development Funding Opportunity Announcement
The Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs issued its first Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Fiscal Year 2019. The Phase I Release 1 FOA, with approximately $31 million in available funding, will allow small businesses to submit applications to establish the technical feasibility of new innovations that advance the mission of the Office of Science.
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Algorithms, Signals and Sensors for Secure Systems: Ryan Kerekes
As leader of the RF, Communications, and Cyber-Physical Security Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Kerekes heads an accelerated lab-directed research program to build virtual models of critical infrastructure systems like the power grid that can be used to develop ways to detect and repel cyber-intrusion and to make the network resilient when disruption occurs.
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American Physical Society Publishes 60th Anniversary Edition of the Review of Particle Physics
The latest edition of the Review of Particle Physics, a go-to resource for particle physicists published Aug. 17 in the American Physical Society’s Physical Review D journal, marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the international Particle Data Group (PDG) that produces the Review.
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Protecting the Power Grid: Advanced Plasma Switch Can Make the Grid More Efficient for Long-distance Transmission
The General Electric (GE) company, with assistance from scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), is developing an advanced switch that will convert high- voltage DC current to high-voltage AC current for consumers more efficiently, enabling reduced-cost transmission of long-distance power.
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ICARUS Neutrino Detector Installed in New Fermilab Home
For four years, three laboratories on two continents have prepared the ICARUS particle detector to capture the interactions of mysterious particles called neutrinos at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. On Tuesday, Aug. 14, ICARUS moved into its new Fermilab home, a recently completed building that houses the large, 20-meter-long neutrino hunter. Filled with 760 tons of liquid argon, it is one of the largest detectors of its kind in the world.
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