Sustainable Jet Fuel
Through chemistry, catalysis, and engineering that started at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and was scaled up by LanzaTech, the aviation industry now has a way to make sustainable fuel blends that meet the jet standards and are more cost-competitive than ever.
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Light-Emitting Nanoparticles Could Provide a Safer Way to Image Living Cells
A research team has demonstrated how light-emitting nanoparticles, developed at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), can be used to see deep in living tissue.
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UEC Profile: ‘I Found Myself Wanting to Know More’
Once a student of the stars, ARM User Executive Committee (UEC) member Erika Roesler can't get enough of clouds, gases, and aerosols as an atmospheric scientist at Sandia National Laboratories.
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Energy Secretary Rick Perry Cheers on Fusion Energy, Science Education at PPPL
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory’s (PPPL) mission of doing research to develop fusion as a viable source of energy is vital to the future of the planet, U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry said during an Aug. 9 visit.
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Javier Tiffenberg Wins $2.5 Million DOE Award for Research on Pixelated Detectors
Last month, Fermilab’s Javier Tiffenberg was awarded the Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Award to investigate how to build large-scale detectors using special kinds of charge-coupled devices that can probe two of the most mysterious substances in the universe: neutrinos and dark matter.
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Protons Get Zippier in Neutron-Rich Nuclei
A new study carried out at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has confirmed that increasing the number of neutrons as compared to protons in the atom’s nucleus also increases the average momentum of its protons.
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Mapping the universe in 3-D: Fermilab contributes to the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is contributing specialty systems for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument project, to collect the galactic light by recording approximately 35 million galaxies and quasars to create a 3-D map of one-third of the entire sky.
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Algorithm Provides Early Warning System for Tracking Groundwater Contamination
Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and Savannah River National Laboratory have developed a low-cost method for real-time monitoring of pollutants using commonly available sensors.
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Four New DOE Early Career Research Program Award Winners Plan to Use ARM Measurements
Susannah Burrows of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Naruki Hiranuma of West Texas A&M University, Kerri Pratt of the University of Michigan, and ManishKumar Shrivastava of PNNL will use ARM measurements as part of their work through 2018 U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Research Program awards.
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Transforming Gas into Fuels with Better Alloys
A Multiscale Computational Catalysis & Materials Science group led by Michail Stamatakis at the University College London used the high-performance computing resources at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility to look at a new catalyst for producing fuels.
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From Hurricane Katrina Victim to Presidential Awardee: A SUNO Professor's Award-Winning Mentoring Efforts
A decade-plus collaboration between Brookhaven Lab and Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) provides minority undergraduate students with hands-on opportunities to learn about natural resource management while developing the foundations for graduate studies.
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SNS Completes Full Neutron Production Cycle at Record Power Level
The Spallation Neutron Source at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has reached a new milestone by operating a complete neutron production run cycle at 1.3 megawatts.
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