SNS-CNMS Partnership May Yield More Advanced Diamond Stripper Foils for Improved Neutron Beam Performance
Diamond stripper foils, produced at the ORNL Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, strip electrons from ions and produce the proton pulse needed for successful neutron scattering and thus hundreds of materials science experiments each year.
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Next-Generation Software Supports Explorations Beyond the Nanoworld into the Intramolecular Picoworld
A recent upgrade to data acquisition and visualization software more than 20 years in the making enhances scientists' ability to observe and control individual atoms and molecular interactions.
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Berkeley Lab Researchers Make NWChem’s Planewave “Purr” on Intel’s Knights Landing Architectures
A team of researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Intel are working hard to make sure that computational chemists are prepared to compute efficiently on next-generation exascale machines.
Read more about Berkeley Lab Researchers Make NWChem’s Planewave “Purr” on Intel’s Knights Landing Architectures
Linda Farr: Right on Target
Technical manager Linda Farr leads the remote handling team responsible for monitoring and replacing essential equipment for daily operations at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Spallation Neutron Source.
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A New Ultrafast Camera for Use Across the Sciences
Andrei Nomerotski is developing an ultrafast camera at Brookhaven National Laboratory, called TimepixCam, that can detect either single photons or ions for more down-to-earth studies in fields from biology to quantum computing.
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A Seismic Mapping Milestone
Using advanced modeling and simulation, seismic data generated by earthquakes, and one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, a team led by Jeroen Tromp of Princeton University is creating a detailed 3-D picture of Earth’s interior.
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Jefferson Lab Accomplishes Critical Milestones Toward Completion of 12 GeV Upgrade
The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has achieved two major commissioning milestones and is now entering the final stretch of work to conclude its first major upgrade.
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Eric Pierce: A lifetime of Learning
Pierce—now leader of the Earth Sciences group in the Environmental Sciences Division at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory—is a geochemist by training. He has made a name for himself in environmental remediation, particularly around the cleanup of legacy waste from nuclear research operations.
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WSU Grad Students and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – A Winning Combination
Twelve doctoral candidates have been selected to participate in the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Washington State University Distinguished Graduate Research Program that will put them to work in the lab to gain valuable and relevant research experience.
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Coming Together, Falling Apart and Starting Over, Battery Style
A new device, designed at PNNL using EMSL, shows what happens when electrode, electrolyte and active materials meet in energy storage technologies.
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Chemists ID Catalytic 'Key' for Converting CO2 to Methanol
Chemists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory and their collaborators just released results from experiments and computational modeling studies that definitively identify the “active site” of a catalyst commonly used for making methanol from CO2.
Read more about Chemists ID Catalytic 'Key' for Converting CO2 to Methanol
Ultrafast Measurements Explain Quantum Dot Voltage Drop
Solar cells and photodetectors could soon be made from new types of materials based on semiconductor quantum dots, thanks to new insights based on ultrafast measurements capturing real-time photoconversion processes.
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