Producing Radioisotopes for Medical Imaging and Disease Treatment
Brookhaven's high-energy proton accelerator and a group led by Cathy Cutler team up to meet the nation's demand for medical isotopes.
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Maureen Searles: From Navy Ships to Research Reactors
First trained as a nuclear electronics technician and reactor operator in the U.S. Navy, Maureen Searles has worked on Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor operations team since February 2015.
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National Synchrotron Light Source II User Profiles: Crysten Blaby
Crysten Blaby, a member of the scientific staff in the biology department of the DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, is studying metal trafficking and compartmentalization to enhance crops for bioenergy by understanding how metal ions are used as catalytic cofactors for a multitude of processes.
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Working Towards Super-Efficient, Ultra-Thin Silicon Solar Cells
In a new study that used the supercomputers at Berkeley Lab’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, researchers evaluated a novel approach for creating more energy-efficient ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar cells.
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Study IDs Link Between Sugar Signaling and Regulation of Oil Production in Plants
By exploring the details of this delicate energy balance, a group of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory has identified a previously unknown link between a protein that maintains plant sugar balance and one that turns on oil production.
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The Power of One: Single Crystals Provide Clarity
To best understand a new material’s properties, researchers want to remove as many variables as possible. Ames Laboratory scientists employ a number of techniques to grow a pristine sample – a single crystal – for examination and experimentation.
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Two-Dimensional MXene Materials Get Their Close-Up
ORNL scientists using state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscopy are providing the first direct evidence of the atomic-defect configurations in a titanium-carbide two-dimensional ceramics or MXene, synthesized at Drexel University – a process that is very important for future nano electronic devices and catalytic applications.
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Nidia Gallego: Carbon Scientist is as Versatile as the Element She Studies
Working at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Gallego develops carbon materials for energy technologies and space exploration. She investigates the physical and chemical properties of carbon in diverse forms—including fiber, composites and foam.
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The Life of an Accelerator
The world’s longest linear accelerator, the linac located at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has undergone numerous changes in its 50 years of operation. Crews are in the process of replacing one-third of the original copper linac with cavities made of niobium.
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New 2-D Detector Promises Expanded Neutron Scattering Capabilities for WAND Users
The WAND instrument, beam line HB-2C, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor, recently received a new detector for improved characterizations of materials in extreme environments at the microscopic level—courtesy of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
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Investigating the Benefits of Cooperation
Stony Brook graduate student Tiffany Victor employs an infrared microscope at the NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory to explore how fungal associations help plants thrive.
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Layered 2D Material Improves Efficiency for Solar Cells and LEDs
In the eternal search for next generation high-efficiency solar cells and LEDs, scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory and their partners are creating innovative 2D layered hybrid perovskites that allow greater freedom in designing and fabricating efficient optoelectronic devices.
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