Cracking the Code of Superconductivity and Magnetism
Neutron probes and theory reveal how electrons cooperate at lower temperatures.
Neutron probes and theory reveal how electrons cooperate at lower temperatures.
New spectroscopic technique measures heat in itty-bitty volumes that could reveal insights for electronics and energy technology.
Magnesium ions move very fast to enable a new class of battery materials.
Scientists demonstrated that powerful acids heal certain structural defects in synthetic films.
Novel engineered polymers assemble buckyballs into columns using a conventional coating process.
Lasting just a few hundred billionths of a billionth of a second, these bursts offer new tool to study chemistry and magnetism.
First demonstration of high-pressure metastability mapping with ultrafast X-ray diffraction shows objects aren’t as large as previously thought.
Exotic material exhibits an optical response in enormous disproportion to the stimulus—larger than in any known crystal.
Americium(III) is selectively and efficiently separated from europium(III) by an extractant in an ionic liquid.
Electronic and structure richness arise from the merger of semiconducting molecules of carbon buckyballs and 2-D graphene.
Tracking atoms is crucial to improving the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.
Iron may be more valuable than platinum. Sometimes.