Jessica Fries-Gaither

AEF Fellow 2024-25

Jessica Fries-Gaither

Fellowship Placement: Library of Congress
Hometown: Hilliard, OH

Jessica Fries-Gaither has been an educator for 25 years and most recently taught Lower School (grades 1-5) Science at Columbus School for Girls for the past 12 years. She also served as the CSG’s Science Department Chair for the past 4 years. Previous teaching experiences include middle school math and science, and fourth, fifth, and sixth grade elementary (self-contained) classes in both public and private schools as well as science and social studies teaching methods for preservice teachers in the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education program. In addition to her time in the classroom, Jessica served as an Education Resource Specialist in the College of Education and Human Ecology, School of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University, where she managed two NSF-funded grants focused on integrating science and literacy in elementary classrooms. Her time at Ohio State fueled her interest in the intersection of science and literacy instruction, as well as her belief in the importance of supporting elementary teachers with high quality curriculum and professional development. She strives to help students of all backgrounds develop identities as scientists and to see themselves reflected in the discipline. Jessica is currently a finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching and has participated in a Fulbright Hays Seminar Abroad to South Africa and Botswana and the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program. She is also an award-winning author who has published books for teachers and children. Her first children’s book, Notable Notebooks: Scientists and Their Writings, was read aboard the International Space Station by astronaut Joseph Acaba as part of the Storytime From Space program. Jessica is a frequent speaker at local, state, regional, and national conferences. She holds bachelor’s degrees in Biological Sciences and Anthropology and a Master of Education, all from the University of Notre Dame.