Brookings High School - South Dakota Regional High School Science Bowl
Coach Ronda Kantack calls herself a professional volunteer. She has a math degree and an MBA. Coach Kantack has served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force and after her service was a stay-at-home mom to four children who are all grown now. She says it was the best job in the world. For fun, Ronda loves crafting, playing games, and watching TV.
Samyok Nepal is a senior at Brookings High School. He likes to code, draw, and take long drives. He also competes in coding contests, math, Science Olympiad, and Lincoln-Douglas debate.
Serena An is a senior at Brookings High School. She enjoys learning languages, playing SET and Hanabi, blogging, and working on her school's yearbook. She also participates in Math Olympiad and Science Olympiad.
Vanessa An is a freshman at Brookings High School. She enjoys playing soccer and has three very cute, fat pet rats.
Albert Shore is a freshman at Brookings High School. He likes reading, video games, and chess. He also likes music and playing the violin and piano.
Alex Shore is a freshman at Brookings High School. His passions are math, astronomy and physics. He likes reading a lot.