Troy High School - Michigan Regional High School Science Bowl
Claire Wu is a junior whose favorite subjects are biology and earth science. Out of all the topics in biology, she particularly likes plant and animal physiology. Claire is involved in several science clubs, such as Science Olympiad and Biology Competitions Club. In her free time, Claire likes to play the violin, read, and bake. She hopes to potentially study biology after high school.
Jasmine Wu is a senior at Troy High School. She loves science and also loves bowls. Let's do this!
Madhavan Iyengar is a senior at Troy High. He loves physics and enjoys applying it through engineering (shhh don't tell the theorists). Madhavan also loves classical music, and his favorite composer is Tchaikovsky. He plans to study engineering and make cool stuff in the future.
Sneha Dinda is a senior at Troy High School. She has always loved science and her favorite classes have been biology and chemistry. She loves participating in STEM related activities and is excited for the Science Bowl national competition.
Yashwanth Bajji is a tenth-grade student whose interests include math, physics and medicine. He participates in his school’s Quizbowl and math team. In his free time, he enjoys reading books and doing challenging math problems. He also coaches his local middle school’s Quiz Bowl team. He plans to go into medicine one day and become a doctor.